

Husky howls are deep, resonant and full of emotion. A husky will “wail” if he is happy... 哈士奇的嚎叫是深沉、共振,充满感情的。 如果哈士奇很开心,它会“嚎叫”。A husky whines to communicate with its owner or other dogs. It also makes a high-pitched squeaking sound when playing. 哈士奇会用呜咽声和主人或其他狗交流。在玩耍的时候还会发出尖高的吱吱声。

In addition to these sounds, male and female huskys have different growls: Males have a low-pitched “growl” used while defending their territory or during mating. Females have a higher-pitched “hiss” that they use for threat, intimidation as well as defense of their pups.除了这些声音,雄性和雌性哈士奇有不同的吼叫声:公哈士奇用低沉的吼声来捍卫它们的领地或是在交配期间使用;母哈士奇则会发出较高音调的嘶声,用于恫吓、威胁或是保卫幼犬。

Training your Husky to stop whining can be difficult, but it's worth the effort. When you want him to stop, say his name and give him a command like "leave" or "go." If you notice him starting to whine, stop what you're doing and turn toward him so you are both looking in each other's eyes. Then ask again for whatever you want from him(e.g, "Do you want to go out?"). Your dog will learn to associate your voice with calming effects. 训练哈士奇停止哀鸣是很困难的,但值得努力。当你想要它停止时,说它的名字并给它一个指令,比如“离开”或“去”。如果你发现它开始哀鸣,停下你正在做的事,朝着它转身,你们俩要彼此直视对方的眼睛。然后再次询问它你想要它做的事情(例如“你想出去吗?”)。你的狗会学会将你的声音和它所期待的好处相匹配。

If this doesn't work, try giving your dog treats every time it stops whining after making eye contact. After a few trials, it'll catch on that being quiet means getting treats. This method works best for young puppies who aren't yet well trained. 如果这个方法不行的话,试试每次当狗狗看到你们之后都给它吃一块糖。试几次后,牠们会明白安静下来就意味着有奖励。这个办法最适合训练程度还不高的幼犬。



有时候看它在客厅里玩着玩的睡着了,它会自己走进自己的窝然后把自己塞进去呼呼大睡 至于二傻在干嘛呢 你根本不需要操心,你只需要给它准备一个温暖的窝就行啦,其他的都不用担心~
